We now have an inert housing set up to do timed drying tests as well as timed saturation tests. The goals of these test will be to determine the total time required for the resin to become fully saturated. This set up also allows us to now test the effects of wind speed on the rate of CO2 saturation. By switching out the battery we can run the fan to simulate ~0.5mph, ~1.5mph, and ~3mph wind environments. This set up also allows us to monitor how long it takes the resin to dry in a stagnant and windy environment. This test is done simply by by removing the square panel opposite from the fan and the top panel. We acknowledge that this is not an air tight set up and is not capable of modeling the intended environment perfectly. However a perfect model is not necessary for this phase of prototyping. We just need a rough timescale so that we may calculate the number of possible adsorption/desorption cycles the resin system is capable of being subjected to.
Christian V.
Drying station set up and ready for experimentation!
Updated: Jun 4, 2019